Tradescantia Zebrina AKA: Wandering Jew
This plant is popular in cultivation due to its fast growth and attractive foliaghe. It is used as a groundcover imn warm winter climates, and as a houseplant eleswhere.
Water: Weekly. Aim to keep the soil evenlymoist by watering once 2 inches of the soil surface dries. Water your plant with rainfall for better overall health. Take care not to overwater your plant; it will lead to rot.
Light: Grows best in moderate bright light levels. Choose brtight, indirect sunlight for best growth.
Temperature: These tropical plants will thrive in average temeratures of about 60 to 70 degrees fahrenheit. They do not do well in cold climates or prolonged exposure to temeratures under 54 degrees.
Tradescantia Zebrina
This plant will grow in any readily-available, good-quality potting soil with good drainage. These polants can also grow well in hydroponics.
Toxicity: This plant is toxic to dogs and cats, so indoor houseplants are best placed in hanging baskets to keep out of reach of curious pets.
Pruning: This is a fast growing plant and will eventually become very leggy. Trim back overgrown portions and use the cuttings to propagate a new plant.